
NOTE: we have noticed that the download links may not work sometimes. We suspect this is because of network connection issues. If this happens, please try again later.

Annotations Format

The annotation files (within coinrun_dataset_jsons/ folder) are of the following format:

        "metadata": {
            'version': 'v2',
            'type': '3.2s',
            'game_events': ['collect_coin', 'kill_monster', 'killed_by_monster', 'collect_gem'],
            'action_verbs': ['jump', 'collect', 'walk', 'run', 'move', 'climb', 'fall', 'turn', 'land', 'drop', 'grab', 'hop', 'kill', 'eat', 'hit', 'die'],
            'characters': ['mugen', 'gem', 'gear', 'bee', 'face', 'slime', 'mouse', 'snail', 'ladybug', 'worm', 'frog', 'barnacle', 'coin'],
            'data_folder': 'dataset/coinrun/coinrun_v2_video_data',
            'split': 'test'
        "data": [
                'video': {
                    'id': 'model_gamev2_fine_tune_squat_penalty_die_reward_1.0_seed_402_level_0469_video_frames_0175_to_0270', 
                    'json_file': 'model_gamev2_fine_tune_squat_penalty_die_reward_1.0_seed_402/video_metadata/model_gamev2_fine_tune_squat_penalty_die_reward_1.0_seed_402_level_0469_video_frames_0175_to_0270.json', 
                    'audio_map_file': 'model_gamev2_fine_tune_squat_penalty_die_reward_1.0_seed_402/audio_semantic_map/audio_map.txt',
                    'world_theme_n': 0, 
                    'audio_file': 'model_gamev2_fine_tune_squat_penalty_die_reward_1.0_seed_402/audios/model_gamev2_fine_tune_squat_penalty_die_reward_1.0_seed_402_level_0469_video_frames_0175_to_0270.wav', 
                    'gt_characters': ['mugen', 'coin', 'gear'], 
                    'game_events': ['collect_coin', 'killed_by_monster'], 
                    'num_frames': 96
                'annotations': [
                        'text': 'Mugen walks to the left, and jumps up to the right to a crate, and jumps down to the right to a platform and collects a coin, and walks to the right, and killed by a gear', 
                        'characters': ['mugen', 'gear', 'coin'], 
                        'actions': ['collect', 'walk', 'jump', 'kill'], 
                        'type': 'auto', # This indicate whether the text is manual or auto annotated.
                        'text': 'Mugen moves left then right onto a ladder before dismounting the ladder onto the right of the top platform. It then jumps twice to the right onto a box then onto a coin before walking right into a gear being slain.', 
                        'characters': ['mugen', 'gear', 'coin'], 
                        'actions': ['walk', 'jump', 'move'], 
                        'type': 'manual'

Template borrowed from nocaps. Thanks!