
Manual Text: Mugen runs from left to right and it collects coins and it jump over snail and it jump down and it collects coins.

Auto Text:Mugen walks to the left, and jumps up to the right over a gear to a crate, and jumps down to the right to a platform and killed a snail, and walks to the right and collects a coin to turn off the shield, and jumps down to the right to a platform and collects a coin, and jumps up to the right.

Manual Text:Mugen jumps on top of a face and then drops off a platform moving left.

Auto Text:Mugen jumps down to a platform and killed a face, and walks to the left, and jumps down to the left to the ground, and walks to the left.

Manual Text:Mugen jumps 3 times from right to left and then gets killed by a ladybug.

Auto Text:Mugen jumps down to the left to a platform, and walks to the left, and jumps a few times to the left over a ladybug, and killed by a ladybug.

Manual Text:Mugen jumps up and it runs from right to left and it collect coins and it cross the gear and it jumps down.

Auto Text:Mugen jumps up to the left to a platform and collects a coin, and walks to the left and collects a few coins, and jumps down to the left over a gear to a platform, and walks to the left.

Manual Text:Mugen walks to the left underneath a platform. As it walks left, it moves towards a bee.

Auto Text:Mugen walks a bit.

Manual Text:Mugen walks to the left, gets coins, flattens a worm then turns around to walk the other way.

Auto Text:Mugen walks a bit and collects a coin to turn off the shield, and walks to the left, and jumps down to the left to a platform and killed a worm, and walks to the right.


(a) Characters and objects in video and text.
(b) Mugen's poses across the 14 RL agents.
(c) Characters, objects, actions and interactions in three splits and their occurrence per video.

Template borrowed from nocaps. Thanks!